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Version: 0.9
Private Preview

This feature is currently in Private Preview.

Unity Catalog Single User Clusters with Fine-Grained Access Control

Fine-grained access control (FGAC) is a Databricks Private Preview capability that allows Single User Unity Catalog clusters access to data governed by Delta Live Tables, views & dynamic views, and tables with RLS/CM (row-level security and column masking).

To use Unity Catalog Single User Access Mode with FGAC:

  • Please inform Tecton so we can appropriately configure your deployment
  • Install SDK 0.9.4+
    • In addition, set your Feature View's tecton_materialization_runtime to 0.9.4 or above. You can alternatively set this as a default for all Feature Views in your workspace by updating your repo.yaml file.
  • Modify your UnityConfig to include access_mode=UnityCatalogAccessMode.SINGLE_USER_WITH_FGAC
  • Modify your DatabricksClusterConfig or DatabricksJsonClusterConfig:
    • Pin your Databricks Runtime Version to 14.3.x-scala2.12
    • Your spark_config must include "spark.databricks.remoteFiltering.enabled": "true" & "spark.databricks.remoteFiltering.type": "serverless"

The example changes are as follows:

unity_catalog_data_source = BatchSource(
catalog="main", schema="default", table="department", access_mode=UnityCatalogAccessMode.SINGLE_USER_WITH_FGAC

tecton_materialization_runtime="0.9.3", # Or update the workspace default in `repo.yaml`
"spark.databricks.remoteFiltering.enabled": "true",
"spark.databricks.remoteFiltering.type": "serverless",
def feature_view():
return ...

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