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Version: 1.0

Read Offline Features for Inference


This example demonstrates how to perform batch inference in Tecton. Batch inference in Tecton is very similar to generating training data.

Fetch a Batch of Data from Tecton​

Assuming your model was trained with data from Tecton, you created a FeatureService in order to generate training data. The same FeatureService you used to generate training data will be used to fetch a batch of data for inference.

Similar to how you built training data, you'll need to generate a DataFrame that represents the data you wish to retrieve from Tecton. This DataFrame should be composed of rows containing:

  • The join keys associated with each of your features
  • Timestamps at which you'd like to retrieve data
  • Columns corresponding to the RequestSource of any RealtimeFeatureView features, if your FeatureService includes one or more RealtimeFeatureView.

If you're not sure which join keys are associated with your features, the page corresponding to your FeatureService in the Web UI will list the entities associated with all of your features. Each entity maps to a join key that you will need.

Example: Building a Prediction Context for Fraud Detection​

In this example, let's imagine we have a fraud detection model that we would like to run nightly on the last 24 hours of transactions. The features for our model describe transactions, users, and merchants. To create our prediction context, we fetch a log of the transactions in the last day, which should look like this:

51812359C1231006815M19797871552020-12-01 01:00:02.595066019
51812360C1666544295M20442822252020-12-01 01:00:02.940659192
51812361C1305486145M55326240652020-12-01 01:00:03.336173880
51812362C840083671M38994270102020-12-01 01:00:06.033070635
51812363C2048537720M12307017032020-12-01 01:00:06.711752585

Retrieve Data with the Prediction Context​

Now that you have a prediction context, you can use the Tecton SDK to retrieve features for inference. This will be the same code you used to generate a dataset:

# transaction_log is a dataframe containing the prediction context made above

ws = tecton.get_workspace("prod")
fs = ws.get_feature_service("demo_fraud_model")
batch_data = fs.get_features_for_events(transaction_log, timestamp_key="timestamp")

The call to get_features_for_events will return a Tecton DataFrame, where your feature values have been joined onto the prediction context. An example with a single feature joined onto the above context would look like:

51812359C1231006815M19797871552020-12-01 01:00:02.59506601935.0
51812360C1666544295M20442822252020-12-01 01:00:02.940659192522.2
51812361C1305486145M55326240652020-12-01 01:00:03.3361738801.2
51812362C840083671M38994270102020-12-01 01:00:06.03307063590.2
51812363C2048537720M12307017032020-12-01 01:00:06.711752585555.6

Perform Inference​

The Tecton DataFrame above can easily be used to perform batch inference; simply convert your data to a Pandas DataFrame:

batch_data_pandas = batch_data.to_pandas()

For other inference frameworks, you can persist your data to a file, then perform inference by loading from this file.

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