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Version: 1.1



A repository class for accessing and managing various Tecton objects.
This class stores and provides access to FeatureViews, Entities, Data Sources, FeatureServices, and Transformations defined in the Feature Repository.


NameData TypeDescription
data_sourcesGet all Data Sources in the repository.
entitiesGet all Entities in the repository.
feature_servicesGet all Feature Services in the repository.
feature_tablesGet all FeatureTables in the repository.
feature_viewsGet all FeatureViews in the repository.
transformationsGet all Transformations in the repository.


__init__(...)Initialize the TestRepo with a list of Tecton objects.
get_all_objects()Retrieve all Tecton objects stored in the repository.
get_data_source(...)Retrieve a DataSource by name.
get_entity(...)Retrieve an entity by name.
get_feature_service(...)Retrieve a FeatureService by name.
get_feature_table(...)Retrieve a FeatureTable by name.
get_feature_view(...)Retrieve a FeatureView by name.
get_transformation(...)Retrieve a Transformation by name.

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