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Version: 1.0



Representation of the materialization job


The attributes are the same as the __init__ method parameters. See below.



  • id (str) - ID string of the materialization job.

  • workspace (str) - Name of the project workspace.

  • feature_view (Optional[str]) - Name of the Feature View (if job attached to a feature view).

  • feature_service (Optional[str]) - Name of the Feature Service (if job attached to a feature service).

  • state (str) - State of the materialization job.

  • created_at (datetime) - Job creation timestamp.

  • updated_at (datetime) - Job update timestamp.

  • attempts (List[MaterializationAttempt]) - Materialization attempts. List of MaterializationAttemptData

  • next_attempt_at (Optional[datetime.datetime]) - If job needs another attempt, Start timestamp the next materialization attempt.

  • job_type (str) - Type of materialization. One of 'BATCH' or 'STREAM'.

  • online (bool) - Whether the job materializes features to the online store.

  • offline (bool) - Whether the job materializes features to the offline store.

  • start_time (Optional[datetime.datetime]) - Start timestamp of the batch materialization window.

  • end_time (Optional[datetime.datetime]) - End timestamp of the batch materialization window.

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