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Version: 1.1

Read Multiple Feature Vectors using Wildcards

Tecton allows you to fetch a set of features based on specifying a subset of entity IDs. This functionality is commonly used when multiple candidates need to be scored, such as in a recommendation system.

In this example, we'll show how to retrieve feature vectors for all ads a user has seen in the past week. We'll walk through:

  • Configuring the feature view with an online serving index
  • Retrieving features online
  • Creating training data

Configuring your feature views​

First, when defining the feature view, you need to specify the online_serving_index parameter and omit the key you won't use during retrieval. In this case, we will specify the user at feature retrieval time, and get back a row for each ad they have feature values for.

from tecton import stream_feature_view, Aggregate
from core.entities import user
from ads.entities import ad
from ads.data_sources.ad_impressions_stream import ad_impressions_stream
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from tecton.types import Field, Int32

entities=[user, ad],
online_serving_index=["user_uuid"], # Only the user_uuid will be used at retrieval time
Aggregate(input_column=Field("impression", Int32), function="count", time_window=timedelta(hours=1)),
Aggregate(input_column=Field("impression", Int32), function="count", time_window=timedelta(hours=12)),
Aggregate(input_column=Field("impression", Int32), function="count", time_window=timedelta(hours=24)),
Aggregate(input_column=Field("impression", Int32), function="count", time_window=timedelta(hours=72)),
Aggregate(input_column=Field("impression", Int32), function="count", time_window=timedelta(hours=168)),
feature_start_time=datetime(2021, 1, 1),
description="The count of impressions between a given user and a given ad",
def user_ad_impression_counts(ad_impressions_stream):
return f"""
user_uuid as user_id,
1 as impression,

Now that we've specified our serving indices for the Feature View, let's create our Feature Service to enable online retrieval.

from tecton import FeatureService, FeaturesConfig
from feature_repo.shared.features.user_ad_impression_counts_wildcard import (

ctr_prediction_service = FeatureService(
description="A Feature Service used for supporting a CTR prediction model.",

Fetching wildcard features online​

Once those changes have been applied, we can use the Tecton python library to retrieve a dataframe representing all the features that match our user by omitting the ad_id join key.

import tecton

ws = tecton.get_workspace("prod")
my_fs = ws.get_feature_service("ctr_prediction_service")

keys = {"user_uuid": "sample-user-uuid"}

response = my_fs.query_features(keys).to_pandas()

Alternatively, we can use the HTTP API. See the section above for more detail on how to configure the API key.

$ export TECTON_API_KEY='<your_tecton_key>'

$ curl -X POST https://<your_cluster>\
-H "Authorization: Tecton-key $TECTON_API_KEY" -d\
"params": {
"workspace_name": "prod",
"feature_service_name": "ctr_prediction_service",
"join_key_map": {
"user_uuid": "sample-user-id",

Creating training sets with wildcard features​

Similarly, we can construct our training dataset by providing a prediction context that contains the join key we specified as our serving index.

import tecton

events ="dbfs:/event_data.pq").select("user_uuid", "timestamp")

ws = tecton.get_workspace("prod")
my_fs = ws.get_feature_service("ctr_prediction_service")

training_set = fs.get_features_for_events(events, timestamp_key="timestamp")


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