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Version: 1.1

secrets put


tecton secrets put [Options]


Create a new secret in a scope, or update that secret if it already exists. This command is idempotent so it can be run multiple times successfully.


-s, --scope TEXTSecret scope name in which to create secret.
-k, --key TEXTSecret key name.
-f, --file TEXTFilename containing the secret value [optional] See below for more information.

Secret value file​

If the --file option is passed, Tecton will read the secret value from the filename passed. The file should be a text file containing the secret value on the first line with no extra characters or lines. Below is an example of such a text file containing the secret value secretvalue with an optional newline at the end of the line:


If the --file parameter is not passed, then Tecton will attempt to read the value from stdin. Below are some ways to use this to pass in the value:

> echo secretvalue | tecton secrets put -s scope -k key
> cat secretvalue.txt | tecton secrets put -s scope -k key

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