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Version: Beta 🚧


Private Preview

This feature is currently in Private Preview.

This feature has the following limitations:
  • Only available for Realtime Feature Views.
  • Set of supported SQL functions is limited and is actively being expanded. See SQL Expression Reference below for details.
  • Please reach out to Tecton Support for questions and feedback!
If you would like to participate in the preview, please file a support ticket.


The Calculation class describes a Calculation feature that is applied to a Realtime Feature View via the features param.


from tecton import Calculation, RealtimeFeatureView
transaction_counts_fv = RealtimeFeatureView(
sources=[request_ds, user_transaction_metrics],
# mode=None implied
features = [
expr="COALESCE(user_transaction_metrics.transaction_count, request_ds.default_count)",
expr="user_transaction_metrics.transaction_count + 1",
description="a test calculation utilizing addition",
tags={"tag": "value"}


NameData TypeDescription
descriptionOptional[str]A human-readable description of the feature.
tagsOptional[Dict[str, str]]Tags associated with the feature (key-value pairs of user-defined metadata).
namestrThe name of this feature. Must be explicitly defined.
exprstrThe calculation string expressing the operations and input operands.



  • description (Optional[str]) - A human-readable description of the feature. Default: None

  • tags (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) - Tags associated with the feature (key-value pairs of user-defined metadata). Default: None

  • name (str) - The name of this feature. Must be explicitly defined. Default: None

  • expr (str) - The calculation string expressing the operations and input operands. Default: None

SQL Expression Reference​

The following SQL functions are currently supported in Calculation Features:


Standard SQL arithmetic operations are supported.

amount + 1
amount - value
value * 2
3 / 2

Please note the following:

  • For addition, subtraction, and multiplication: the result of arithmetic operation will be the type required to preserve the precision of the inputs. The precision hierarchy is Float64 -> Float32 -> Int64 -> Int32. For example, a Float32 value + Int64 value will return a value of type Float32 to preserve the float input's precision.
  • For division: the result will always be a Float64. If division by zero occurs, the result will be type Float64:
    • +Infinity if the numerator is positive.
    • -Infinity if the numerator is negative.
    • NaN if the numerator is 0.
  • Currently, Realtime Feature Views do not support Int32 features. As a workaround for your calculations, you can cast your Int32 value to Int64 using Int32_value + 0.

CASE Statements​

CASE statements are supported.

WHEN my_source.amount > 100 THEN 'high'
WHEN my_source.amount > 50 THEN 'medium'
ELSE 'low'


COALESCE(value, default_value)

Returns the first non-null value in a list of expressions.

COALESCE(amount, 0)

Comparison Operators​

Standard SQL comparisons are supported.

  • Comparisons between Float32, Int32, Float64, Int64, and Bool are supported. For example, you can compare True and 1 (True = 1 returns True).
  • If one of the elements is a String element, it can only be compared against another String element. Strings are compared using lexicographical order.
amount > threshold
value >= 0
3 != 2


DATEDIFF(datepart, start_date, end_date)

Returns the count of the specified datepart boundaries crossed between two timestamps. All datetimes provided are converted to UTC and all datediffs are performed on the UTC equivalent.

DATEDIFF('minutes', start_time, end_time)

DATEDIFF logic follows DuckDB convention where the difference is equal to the number of partition boundaries between the two timestamps.

For example, consider DATEDIFF('days', my_source.start_date, my_source.end_date). If start_date is 2022-01-01 23:59:00 and end_date is 2022-01-02 00:00:00, the result will be 1.

Logical Operators​

Standard SQL logical operators are supported.

amount > 100 AND amount < 200
value OR another_value
NOT value

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