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Version: Beta 🚧



Declare a Batch Feature View.


  • name (Optional[str]) - Unique, human friendly name that identifies the FeatureView. Defaults to the function name. Default: None

  • description (Optional[str]) - A human readable description. Default: None

  • owner (Optional[str]) - Typically the name or email of the Feature View's primary maintainer. Default: None

  • tags (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) - Tags associated with this Tecton Object (key-value pairs of arbitrary metadata). Default: None

  • prevent_destroy (bool) - If True, this Tecton object will be blocked from being deleted or re-created (i.e. a destructive update) during tecton plan/apply. To remove or update this object, prevent_destroy must be set to False via the same tecton apply or a separate tecton apply. prevent_destroy can be used to prevent accidental changes such as inadvertantly deleting a Feature Service used in production or recreating a Feature View that triggers expensive rematerialization jobs. prevent_destroy also blocks changes to dependent Tecton objects that would trigger a recreate of the tagged object, e.g. if prevent_destroy is set on a Feature Service, that will also prevent deletions or re-creates of Feature Views used in that service. prevent_destroy is only enforced in live (i.e. non-dev) workspaces. Default: false

  • mode (str) - Either the compute mode for the Transformation function or else pipeline mode

  • sources (Sequence[Union[framework_data_source.BatchSource, filtered_source.FilteredSource]]) - The Data Source inputs to the Feature View.

  • entities (Sequence[framework_entity.Entity]) - The entities this Feature View is associated with.

  • aggregation_interval (Optional[datetime.timedelta]) - How frequently the feature values are updated (for example, "1h" or "6h"). Only valid when using aggregations. Default: None

  • aggregations (Optional[Sequence[configs.Aggregation]]) - A list of Aggregate Feature objects. Default: None

  • aggregation_secondary_key (Optional[str]) - Configures secondary key aggregates using the set column. Only valid when using aggregations. Default: None

  • online (bool) - Whether the feature view should be materialized to the online feature store. (Default: False) Default: false

  • offline (bool) - Whether the feature view should be materialized to the offline feature store. (Default: False) Default: false

  • ttl (Optional[datetime.timedelta]) - The TTL (or "look back window") for features defined by this feature view. This parameter determines how long features will live in the online store and how far to "look back" relative to a training example's timestamp when generating offline training sets. Shorter TTLs improve performance and reduce costs. Default: None

  • feature_start_time (Optional[datetime.datetime]) - When materialization for this feature view should start from. (Required if offline=true) Default: None

  • lifetime_start_time (Optional[datetime.datetime]) - The start time for what data should be included in a lifetime aggregate. (Required if using lifetime windows) Default: None

  • manual_trigger_backfill_end_time (Optional[datetime.datetime]) - If set, Tecton will schedule backfill materialization jobs for this feature view up to this time. Materialization jobs after this point must be triggered manually. (This param is only valid to set if BatchTriggerType is MANUAL.) Default: None

  • batch_trigger (BatchTriggerType) - BatchTriggerType.SCHEDULED (default) or BatchTriggerType.MANUAL Default: BatchTriggerType.SCHEDULED

  • batch_schedule (Optional[datetime.timedelta]) - The interval at which batch materialization should be scheduled. Default: None

  • online_serving_index (Optional[Sequence[str]]) - (Advanced) Defines the set of join keys that will be indexed and queryable during online serving. Default: None

  • batch_compute (Optional[configs.ComputeConfigTypes]) - Configuration for the batch materialization cluster. Default: None

  • offline_store (Optional[Union[configs.OfflineStoreConfig, configs.ParquetConfig, configs.DeltaConfig]]) - Configuration for how data is written to the offline feature store. Default: None

  • online_store (Optional[configs.OnlineStoreTypes]) - Configuration for how data is written to the online feature store. Default: None

  • monitor_freshness (bool) - If true, enables monitoring when feature data is materialized to the online feature store. Default: false

  • data_quality_enabled (Optional[bool]) - If false, disables data quality metric computation and data quality dashboard. Default: None

  • skip_default_expectations (Optional[bool]) - If true, skips validating default expectations on the feature data. Default: None

  • expected_feature_freshness (Optional[datetime.timedelta]) - Threshold used to determine if recently materialized feature data is stale. Data is stale if now - most_recent_feature_value_timestamp > expected_feature_freshness. For feature views using Tecton aggregations, data is stale if now - round_up_to_aggregation_interval(most_recent_feature_value_timestamp) > expected_feature_freshness. Where round_up_to_aggregation_interval() rounds up the feature timestamp to the end of the aggregation_interval. Value must be at least 2 times aggregation_interval. If not specified, a value determined by the Tecton backend is used. Default: None

  • alert_email (Optional[str]) - Email that alerts for this FeatureView will be sent to. Default: None

  • timestamp_field (Optional[str]) - The column name that refers to the timestamp for records that are produced by the feature view. This parameter is optional if exactly one column is a Timestamp type. This parameter is required if using Tecton on Snowflake without Snowpark. Default: None

  • max_backfill_interval (Optional[datetime.timedelta]) - (Advanced) The time interval for which each backfill job will run to materialize feature data. This affects the number of backfill jobs that will run, which is (<feature registration time> - feature_start_time) / max_backfill_interval. Configuring the max_backfill_interval parameter appropriately will help to optimize large backfill jobs. If this parameter is not specified, then 10 backfill jobs will run (the default). Default: None

  • max_batch_aggregation_interval (Optional[datetime.timedelta]) - Deprecated. Use max_backfill_interval instead, which has the exact same usage. Default: None

  • incremental_backfills (bool) - If set to True, the feature view will be backfilled one interval at a time as if it had been updated "incrementally" since its feature_start_time. For example, if batch_schedule is 1 day and feature_start_time is 1 year prior to the current time, then the backfill will run 365 separate backfill queries to fill the historical feature data. Default: false

  • schema (Optional[List[types.Field]]) - [Deprecated] The output schema of the Feature View transformation. If provided and run_transformation_validations=True, then Tecton will validate that the Feature View matches the expected schema. Default: None

  • run_transformation_validation (Optional[bool]) - If True, Tecton will execute the Feature View transformations during tecton plan/apply validation. If False, then Tecton will not execute the transformations during validation and schema must be set. Skipping query validation can be useful to speed up tecton plan/apply or for Feature Views that have issues with Tecton's validation (e.g. some pip dependencies). Default is True for Spark and Snowflake Feature Views and False for Python and Pandas Feature Views. Default: None

  • options (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) - Additional options to configure the Feature View. Used for advanced use cases and beta features. Default: None

  • tecton_materialization_runtime (Optional[str]) - Version of tecton package used by your job cluster. Default: None

  • cache_config (Optional[configs.CacheConfig]) - Cache config for the Feature View. Including this option enables the feature server to use the cache when retrieving features for this feature view. Will only be respected if the feature service containing this feature view has enable_online_caching set to True. Default: None

  • batch_compaction_enabled (Optional[bool]) - Deprecated: Please use compaction_enabled instead which has the exact same usage. Default: None

  • compaction_enabled (Optional[bool]) - (Private preview) If True, Tecton will run a compaction job after each batch materialization job to write to the online store. This requires the use of Dynamo and uses the ImportTable API. Because each batch job overwrites the online store, a larger compute cluster may be required. Default: None

  • environment (Optional[str]) - The custom environment in which materialization jobs will be run. Defaults to None, which means jobs will execute in the default Tecton environment. Default: None

  • features (Optional[Union[Sequence[feature.Aggregate], Sequence[Union[feature.Attribute, feature.Embedding, feature.Inference]]]]) - A list of Attribute, Aggregate, and Embedding feature values managed by this Feature View. Default: None

  • context_parameter_name (Optional[str]) - Name of the function parameter that Tecton injects MaterializationContext object to. Default: None


An object of type BatchFeatureView


Example 1​

from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta

from fraud.entities import user
from fraud.data_sources.credit_scores_batch import credit_scores_batch

from tecton import batch_feature_view, Aggregation, FilteredSource
from tecton.types import Int64, String, Timestamp, Field

feature_start_time=datetime(2020, 10, 10),
Field("USER_ID", String),
Field("TIMESTAMP", Timestamp),
description="Features about the users most recent transaction in the past 60 days. Updated daily.",
def user_last_transaction_features(credit_scores_batch):
return f"""

Example 2​

Example BatchFeatureView declaration using aggregates:

from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta

from fraud.entities import user
from fraud.data_sources.credit_scores_batch import credit_scores_batch

from tecton import batch_feature_view, Aggregation, FilteredSource, TimeWindow
from tecton.types import Int64, String, Timestamp, Field

feature_start_time=datetime(2020, 10, 10),
Aggregation(column="amount", function="mean", time_window=TimeWindow(window_size=timedelta(days=1))),
Aggregation(column="amount", function="mean", time_window=TimeWindow(window_size=timedelta(days=30))),
Field("USER_ID", String),
Field("AMOUNT", Int64),
Field("TIMESTAMP", Timestamp),
description="Transaction amount statistics and total over a series of time windows, updated daily.",
def user_recent_transaction_aggregate_features(credit_scores_batch):
return f"""

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