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Batch Feature View

A Batch Feature View defines transformations against one or many Batch Data Sources (e.g. Snowflake, Redshift, BigQuery, S3 etc.) and computes features on a schedule. They can also run automatic backfills when they’re first created.

Feature Examples:

  • determining if a user's credit score is over a pre-defined threshold
  • counting the total number of transactions over a time window in batch
  • batch ingesting pre-computed feature values from an existing batch source

Batch Feature Transformations​

Batch Feature Views can define row-level transformations for filtering and projection. They can also define aggregations using Tecton's Aggregation Engine or plain SQL.

We will look at them one by one.

Row-Level Transformations​

Batch Feature Views can define row-level filtering or projection transformations using Pandas, Snowflake SQL, or Spark

Below is an example that takes in a Batch Datasource transactions_batch and then does row-level filtering to select only three columns: user_id, timestamp, and amt. The batch_schedule parameter tells Tecton to schedule a batch materialization job once a day.

from tecton import batch_feature_view
from tecton.types import Field, String, Timestamp, Float64
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from fraud.entities import user
from fraud.data_sources.transactions import transactions_batch

schema=[Field("user_id", String), Field("timestamp", Timestamp), Field("amt", Float64)],
def user_last_transaction_amount(transactions_batch):
return transactions_batch[["user_id", "timestamp", "amt"]]

Batch Feature Views can also be used to perform row-level transformations on multiple Data Sources joined together. In the example below, two data sources transaction_batch and fraud_users_batch are combined together into a single Feature View in order to combine date of birth information from fraud_users_batch with transaction information from transaction_batch to determine if a user was an adult at the time of a given transaction.

from tecton import batch_feature_view
from fraud.entities import user
from fraud.data_sources.fraud_users import fraud_users_batch
from fraud.data_sources.transactions import transactions_batch
from tecton.types import Field, String, Timestamp, Bool
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# For every transaction, the following Feature View precomputes a feature that indicates
# whether a user was an adult as of the time of the transaction
sources=[transactions_batch, fraud_users_batch],
schema=[Field("user_id", String), Field("timestamp", Timestamp), Field("user_is_adult", Bool)],
description="Whether the user performing the transaction is over 18 years old.",
def transaction_user_is_adult(transactions_batch, fraud_users_batch):
fraud_users_batch["dob"] = pd.to_datetime(fraud_users_batch["dob"])

transactions_batch["timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(transactions_batch["timestamp"])

joined_df = pd.merge(transactions_batch, fraud_users_batch, on="user_id")

joined_df["user_is_adult"] = (joined_df["timestamp"] - joined_df["dob"]).dt.days > 18 * 365

return joined_df[["user_id", "timestamp", "user_is_adult"]]

Time-Window aggregations​

Batch Feature Views can also run aggregations over multiple rows in a dataset using using Tecton's Aggregation Engine. The example below takes the same transactions_batch datasource, extracts three columns (user_id, transaction, timestamp) and generates partial aggregates which are rolled up retrieval time to generate 3 features: transaction_count_1d_1d, transaction_count_30d_1d, and transaction_count_90d_1d.

The aggregation_interval parameter defines the interval by which the aggregation time window advances (e.g., 1 day, in the example below).

from tecton import batch_feature_view, Aggregation, TimeWindow
from tecton.types import Field, String, Timestamp, Int64
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from fraud.entities import user
from fraud.data_sources.transactions import transactions_batch

schema=[Field("user_id", String), Field("timestamp", Timestamp), Field("transaction", Int64)],
description="User transaction totals over a series of time windows, updated daily.",
def user_transaction_counts(transactions):
transactions["transaction"] = 1
return transactions[["user_id", "transaction", "timestamp"]]

Custom ETL features (such as arbitrary SQL aggregations)​

In general, if you can express your aggregation features using Tecton's Aggregation Engine, you should always do so because of the engine's performance & efficiency, simplicity and accuracy benefits.

However, in some cases, you may not want to use Tecton's Aggregation Engine. The most common reasons are:

  • You are migrating an existing feature into Tecton and don't want to make any changes
  • You need aggregation functions that Tecton's Engine doesn't support
  • You want to precompute several nested layers of aggregations (e.g. calculate the standard-deviation of the max amount of the lifetime transaction number per country)

Here is a simple example:

from tecton import batch_feature_view, FilteredSource, materialization_context
from fraud.entities import user
from fraud.data_sources.transactions import transactions_batch
from tecton.types import Field, String, Timestamp, Int64
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

sources=[FilteredSource(transactions_batch, start_time_offset=timedelta(days=-29))],
feature_start_time=datetime(2022, 4, 1),
Field("user_id", String),
Field("timestamp", Timestamp),
Field("distinct_merchant_transaction_count_30d", Int64),
description="How many transactions the user has made to distinct merchants in the last 30 days.",
def user_distinct_merchant_transaction_count_30d(transactions_batch, context=materialization_context()):
end_time = pd.to_datetime(context.end_time)
start_time = end_time - pd.Timedelta(days=30)
recent_transactions = transactions_batch[
(transactions_batch["timestamp"] >= start_time) & (transactions_batch["timestamp"] < end_time)
result = (
.agg(distinct_merchant_transaction_count_30d=("merchant", "nunique"))
result["timestamp"] = end_time - pd.Timedelta(microseconds=1)
return result

Please review this guide for more details on how to develop custom ETL features in a performant and cost-efficient way.

Full list of parameters​

See the API reference for the full list of parameters.

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